
ということで、検索してみた。「Girly girl(Girlie girl)」ということで、見出語になっていた。

Girly girl is a slang term for a girl or woman who chooses to dress and behave in a traditionally feminine style, such as wearing pink or floral dresses, blouses and skirts, wearing make-up, talking about relationships and other activities which are associated with the traditional gender role of a girl. It is an informal term, and in most contexts, it is at least mildly derogatory.


More recently, a resurgence of the use in a more positive light has occurred. Women have embraced a softer, more feminine, view of womanhood and have embraced the term "girly". Examples of this can be seen in the artwork of popular publications such as Cosmopolitan, Glamour, and Redbook which have all recently made use of "girly" type characters. Examples of a younger movement embracing the term can be seen in the rising popularity of Girly Layouts used on popular sites like MySpace.com


そういう意味では、確かに決して「間違って」いるわけじゃないが、過去の侮蔑的用語という背景があるなかで敢えて使っているとんがった用法を、一般的な言葉のように使っちゃうのって、やっぱりちょっと違和感と反感。少なくとも「蔑称の girlie と区別されることが多い」って嘘じゃね?区別じゃなくて敢えてその用語を使っているって感じがするんだが。
