





「科学ニュースあらかると」さんの「記事 : 喫煙は全身の皮膚を老化させる」によると、



喫煙は顔以外の肌も老化させる=米調査 (ロイター)

[シカゴ 19日 ロイター] 喫煙が顔のしわや肌を黄ばませる原因となることは知られているが、顔以外の皮膚にも同様の影響を及ぼすことが明らかになった。米ミシガン大のヘルフリッチ博士の研究チームが19日、皮膚科学の専門誌で発表した。

同研究では、22─91歳の喫煙者と非喫煙者を半数ずつ、計82人を対象に、日焼けの影響を受けにくい右腕の内側の皮膚について、ダメージを測定。第三者の鑑定人が判定を下した。 研究結果によると、特に65歳以上で、喫煙者の肌に非喫煙者より多くのしわが確認されたほか、45─65歳についても似たような傾向がみられたという。


[ 2007年3月21日12時46分 ]


Arch Dermatol. 2007 Mar;143(3):397-402.

Effect of smoking on aging of photoprotected skin: evidence gathered using a new photonumeric scale.
Helfrich YR, Yu L, Ofori A, Hamilton TA, Lambert J, King A, Voorhees JJ, Kang S.
Author Affiliations: Department of Dermatology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Dr Yu is now with the Department of Internal Medicine at Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, Calif.

Objectives To develop a reproducible photonumeric scale to assess photoprotected skin aging and to determine whether health and lifestyle factors, such as smoking, affect skin aging in photoprotected sites.

DESIGN: Using standard photographs of participants' upper inner arms, we created a 9-point photonumeric scale. Three blinded reviewers used the scale to grade the photographs. Participants answered multiple lifestyle questions.

SETTING: Academic outpatient dermatology clinic.

PARTICIPANTS: Eighty-two healthy men and women aged 22 to 91 years. Interventions A professional medical photographer took standardized photographs of each participant's upper inner arm. Participants answered standardized health and lifestyle questions.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: (1) Interobserver agreement and reproducibility using the photonumeric scale and (2) health and lifestyle factors most predictive of the degree of aging in photoprotected skin.

RESULTS: There was good blinded interobserver agreement as measured by the maximum range of disagreement scores for each participant (mean, 0.91; 95% confidence interval, 0.76-1.06). Results were reproducible. We developed a multiple regression model showing that the best model for predicting the degree of aging in photoprotected skin includes 2 variables: age and packs of cigarettes smoked per day.

CONCLUSIONS: This photonumeric scale demonstrates good interobserver agreement and good reproducibility. Using this scale, the degree of aging in photoprotected skin was significantly correlated with patient age and a history of cigarette smoking. Additional studies are needed to continue garnering information regarding independent risk factors for aging of photoprotected skin.